Tuesday, July 06, 2010
"White House vs. Boy Scouts..."
It seems pretty clear that Barack Obama has few feelings about things that most of us consider American traditions...
Chuck Norris wtites about it at Townhall.com:
"Last week, I discussed a series of evidences regarding how President Barack Obama is leading the White House pack in distancing his administration from the Boy Scouts of America.
As I pointed out, the White House has delayed Eagle Scout certificate signings, denied the invitation to go to the Boy Scouts of America's 100th anniversary gala, downplayed Obama's acceptance of BSA's honorary presidency, dodged official communications about the BSA, not defended the BSA against cultural attacks, and diminished Obama's all-around role as BSA's honorary president.
And to boot, Obama's administration has followed suit, collectively believing as progressives that the BSA is behind the times or too traditional and conservative."