Sunday, May 02, 2010
John Stossel and the Media’s “Statist Syndrome” - Rasmussen Reports™
Here's an interesting commentary centering on John Stossel's career and the changing media marketplace, where people "vote with their feet"...
Howard Rich writes at
"And more of those Americans than ever before now vote with their television remotes, as network ratings from the first quarter of 2010 were a bloodbath for CNN and MSNBC, arguably the nation’s top two 'pro-government' networks. Larry King’s show – CNN’s top-rated program – saw its numbers among the coveted 25-54 year-old demographic decline by 43 percent from last year, while Anderson Cooper’s show experienced a 42 percent decline. At MSNBC, the network’s top two primetime programs, 'Countdown with Keith Olbermann' and 'The Rachel Maddow Show,' saw their ratings plunge by 43 percent and 38 percent.
Meanwhile, viewers continued flocking to Stossel’s new home at Fox, which saw its top three shows expand their audiences by anywhere from 25-50 percent over the previous year – giving Fox more viewers than CNN, MSNBC and CNBC combined and extending its streak as the nation’s number one network to 100 months. Also, Stossel’s new TV show thrives on Fox Business Network."