Saturday, May 29, 2010
"Fake Mich. ‘Tea Party’"
Dirty tricks clearly did NOT go away with the Nixon Administration...
Warner Todd Huston tells about this one at
"Chetly Zarko tried to call around to the various Tea Party movement folks in Michigan and none of them seemed to know anything about this supposed new 'Tea Party' petition drive. Zarko quotes Tea Party operative Wendy Day of Howell, Michigan as saying that this petition drive for a fake Tea Party (does one say a Tea Party Party?) is evidence that the Democrats are taking them very seriously, seriously enough to try this new dirty tricks campaign.
Zarko has discovered that the petition is being passed by the Michigan lefty campaign company named Progressive Campaigns, Inc. and the company is being paid $1 for each signature it can gather. Progressive Campaigns, Inc., as Mr. Zarko reports, is 'funded by Soros, the Michigan Democratic Party, and is most recently known for the crude attempt to re-game the Michigan Constitution for the Democratic Party in 2008 through the Reform Michigan Government Now petition.'
So, once again we find a Democrat dirty trick in the making."