Tuesday, April 06, 2010
"The real anti-Americans"
In this article, Pat Buchanan discusses the current controversies surrounding the "Tea Party" movement.
He makes points that the comparisons to Nazi Germany, etc. are way over the top, as there aren't even arrests being made; and, also, that the media has apparently conveniently and totally forgotten the left-wing violence of times past.
He also reminds us that the desire to reign in immigration trancends ethnic lines...
He makes points that the comparisons to Nazi Germany, etc. are way over the top, as there aren't even arrests being made; and, also, that the media has apparently conveniently and totally forgotten the left-wing violence of times past.
He also reminds us that the desire to reign in immigration trancends ethnic lines...
Pat Buchanan writes about it at WND.com:
"Given the rise in ethnic consciousness among all Americans, Rich may be right. But it is not just white folks who want illegal aliens deported and legal immigration curtailed, while 25 million of our own are out of work or underemployed.
A Zogby poll for the Center for Immigration Studies found that 56 percent of Hispanics, 57 percent of Asian-Americans and 68 percent of African-Americans think legal immigration is too high.
If the tea-party folks think it is leftist elites who detest and wish to be rid of the America they grew up in and love, they are right."