Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Prominent Environmentalist Calls the Prius “A racist hate machine of imperialist oppression”
If this is true, it can be filed along with so many other environmentally correct products that are actually NOT so...
PRE-LINK TEXT Kip Hooker reports at TheVitaminPress.com:
"Initially reluctant to elaborate on his new found views Pinebrush was eventually coaxed into better explaining his feelings on the matter and finally informed the incredulous crowd that after a careful review of all the facts in attendance he had come to the conclusion that the amount of pollution produced in the creation the lithium-ion battery that powered the car’s electric engine could only be offset by the car’s fuel efficiency if the car were driven for around 300 thousand miles. Making such a proposition even more precarious is the fact that the lithium-ion battery has to be replaced every 100-150 thousand miles."