Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Global Warming - "A perfect storm is brewing for the IPCC"
If anything, the last few months of admitted inaccuracies by Global Warming advocates are a good reason for adopting a skeptical position.
Unfortunately, huge, powerful, vested interests (and money) remain that may be difficult to overcome...
Unfortunately, huge, powerful, vested interests (and money) remain that may be difficult to overcome...
In the U.K. Daily Telegraph, Christopher Booker details some of the inaccuracies as he writes:
"Too many people have too much at stake to allow the faith in man-made global warming, which has sustained them so long and which is today making so many of them rich, to be abandoned. The so-called investigations into Climategate and Dr Michael "Hockey Stick" Mann seem like no more than empty establishment whitewashes. There is little reason to expect that the inquiry into the record of the IPCC and Dr Pachauri that is now being set up by the UN Environment Programme and the world's politicians will be very different."