Wednesday, February 10, 2010
The Silent Majority: Is Paul Krugman schizophrenic?
No, he's with the New York Times.
Their opinions flip-flop according to who is President...
Their opinions flip-flop according to who is President...
At, :Southern Man" asks:
"Can anyone tell me how Paul Krugman has a shread of credibility left.
In 2003 he was railing against the "huge deficits that George W. Bush was running up and predicting doom and gloom. Now he is trying to figure out what why there is som much hype about budget deficits. Keeping in mind that budget deficits under Bush were around 3% of GDP and under Obama they are around 11%. This guy is suffering from a split personality. Take a look at the differening opinions he offers which are apparantly based more on politics than fact."