Sunday, February 07, 2010
The Media - "Eyes Wide Shut"
It sure seems that way, and almost everyone (except the main stream media) is talking and writing about it...
Ron Futrell writes this a more at
"I’ll take the former on this one. I’m not going to bother debating whether the activist old media turns left. It’s all well documented here on and elsewhere. Besides, you know what you know, you see what you see, and you’ve figured this out long ago. I do wonder if the activist old media would rather see their businesses destroyed than to admit they have a bias. Perhaps. What good is fair and balanced coverage when you believe your purpose is to save the world from Evil Fat Cat Bankers? Bernie Madoff stealing $50 billion leads the newscasts, but the Obama Administration stealing $1.8 trillion from our grandchildren falls on the cutting room floor.
The ratings don’t lie. Fox News destroys its “competition.” CNN had a 20-year head start and its numbers don’t come close, MSNBC has the power of NBC news behind them its numbers are in the toilet. Do they think Fox beats both of them combined because they have better graphics?"