Wednesday, February 10, 2010
"The Fat Lady Sings for Keith Olbermann"
I've tried to watch Keith Olbermann from time to time, but just can't come to like him, much less agree with him...
Stuart Schwartz, at, doesn't seem to be much of a fan either:
"Olbermann does not like women, especially attractive and/or accomplished women. Nor is he particularly fond of men. He is forever the awkward, angry teenager of his high school days who mystified psychologists, the überdork whose cruel taunts of the athletes he covered as a sports broadcaster were legendary, even as he yearned to be thought of as the stud that covers studs. Give it up, a Philadelphia Inquirer sports columnist suggested after watching Olbermann ridicule the appearance of an overweight athlete. He noted that the hefty lefty is 'so bloated he looks as if he swallowed Dan Patrick [his ESPN co-anchor] back in 1997.'
And so the venom drips, and the ratings sink. Olbermann is cruel to all who, as a class, have rejected him, such as joyful people and women...or people of faith and women...or people with traditional marriages and women...and those with well-adjusted relationships and women. Did I mention women?"