Monday, November 30, 2009
"Obama Motors Chrysler and UAW 'electric car' fraud"
I don't know whether this is accurate or not; however, considering everything else, it probably is.
Our elected officials continue to throw our money around as if it didn't matter...
Our elected officials continue to throw our money around as if it didn't matter...
Kevin "Coach" Collins reports this on his blog:
"Last winter when Chrysler was groveling and crying about having to go bankrupt the Obama Administration took control of the company and struck a deal to justify putting $12.5 B of our tax money in its bank accounts. Chrysler promised it would produce a 500,000 vehicle fleet of practical “electric” cars in just four model years!
Chrysler was merely the United Auto Workers’ bagman. Chrysler got our money then funneled it to the very unions that are killing the American auto industry.
Last week these thieves quietly announced the end of the 'electric car' scam which they knew was a fake promise to begin with. The government’s money has run out so there’s no need to keep up the charade.
One more sting
Make no mistake, the greed of this bunch knows no boundaries; they have no shame. In August Obama Motors Chrysler Division (OMCD) and the UAW conned another 70 million dollars out of the rubes at the Department of Energy. Knowing it was all fake they promised a prototype fleet of 220 hybrid vehicles!"