Sunday, November 22, 2009
Global Warming - Following the Money
This isn't pretty.
This article has it's basis in "hacked" or "whistle blown" documents that were recently released onto the Internet.
The veracity of the released information has not (yet) been proven beyond every doubt; but, considering the thousands of documents that would have had to be faked, it seems likely to be accurate...
This article has it's basis in "hacked" or "whistle blown" documents that were recently released onto the Internet.
The veracity of the released information has not (yet) been proven beyond every doubt; but, considering the thousands of documents that would have had to be faked, it seems likely to be accurate...
At, Marc Sheppard begins with:
"It seems that while scientists who accept funding from oil companies are branded as bought-and-paid-for shills, those financed by renewable energy interests remain unchallenged authorities in their fields. Words can’t adequately express my astonishment."