Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Barack Obama - and appointee Judge David Hamilton
Equal treatment under the law seems like it should be a basic philosophical qualifier for a judicial nominee...
At, Mario Diaz reports:
"In 2005, Judge Hamilton ordered the Speaker of the Indiana House to immediately stop the practice of 'sectarian prayers' at the opening of the legislative session because the prayers were too Christian. He said that people 'should refrain from using Christ’s name or title.'
Could you imagine this ruling coming down at the time of this country’s founding? Can you imagine what George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, or Patrick Henry would have said to this judge?
I can hear Washington recounting the stories of the many men he held in his arms as they bled to death so that Americans could be free to pray to Jesus Christ. Yes, I said it. That is who they believed in. That is even who they attributed their victories to.
But now Judge Hamilton has the gall and audacity to say that all those who fought for that freedom died in vain. And to top it off, Judge Hamilton later added that praying in the name of Allah would probably be okay."