Monday, October 19, 2009
Joe Biden: the worrying rise of Barack Obama’s Mr Wrong - Telegraph
Apparently, Joe Biden's reputation has reached beyond America...
Columnist Toby Harnden writes in the U.K. Telegraph:
"Making fun of Joe Biden is a bipartisan affair. A quip about Biden being a windbag is guaranteed to bring a Democrat and Republican together in Washington.
Mr Obama himself even dabbled in it in February when he responded to a question about yet another Biden gaffe by saying, 'I don't know what Joe was referring to, not surprisingly', prompting stifled sniggers from White House staffers at the back of the room.
A miffed Mr Biden used his weekly lunch with the President to ask him not to 'diss' him in public. Mr Obama agreed, scheduling a photo op of the pair eating hamburgers together to demonstrate they were still buddies. The real difficulty with Mr Biden, however, is his judgement.
On all the big questions, he has been – to put it politely – on the wrong side of history."