Tuesday, October 13, 2009
"Glenn Beck: A Man for His Time"
I have to admit I'm pretty much with this guy.
Glenn Beck is far from conventional in his presentation; however, he is spot on with his relentless assault on big government, their questionable ethics, and the multi-level corruption...
Glenn Beck is far from conventional in his presentation; however, he is spot on with his relentless assault on big government, their questionable ethics, and the multi-level corruption...
At PajamasMedia.com, Bernard Chapin describes his conversion to becoming a Glenn Beck advocate:
"Yet if Beck was really just a dimwitted freak, then pseudo-liberals would never expend much energy trying to destroy him. His enemies (and ours) recognize that the 5 p.m. Fox juggernaut is a major threat.
His program is fast-paced, visually riveting, and features interviews with some of the finest minds in America. The left should be scared — and we, in turn, should celebrate him.
In the realm of power dynamics, the former DJ is plutonium. If the reader has any doubts, he or she is advised to ask Van Jones or the entrepreneurial flesh-mongers at ACORN about the influence he’s had.
Beck’s outlook is actually more mainstream that the ones held by figureheads in what he terms 'the fringe media,' a.k.a. CBS, NBC, CNN, MSDNC, NPR, etc."