Wednesday, September 16, 2009
"A 'Sting'-ing Indictment of Media Hypocrisy"
The media's bias toward liberal views and enterprises is stunning.
You might think that after NOT covering presidential candidate John Edwards' affair and likely illegitimate child, they would change their ways. Not So!
FYI; This was written before the fourth video expose'...
You might think that after NOT covering presidential candidate John Edwards' affair and likely illegitimate child, they would change their ways. Not So!
FYI; This was written before the fourth video expose'...
At, Michelle Malkin begins with this and then reminds the media about some of their history:
"Undercover journalism is only acceptable when it fits a liberal agenda. That is the message from 'professional' reporters and left-wing activists outraged about three successful video stings targeting President Obama's old friends at the left-wing tax-subsidized outfit ACORN."