Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Politicians - Sheila Jackson Lee
I've watched this congresswoman on TV for several years now.
She NEVER answers the question.
She ALWAYS has some amazing verbal spiel that has little to do with the subject matter.
I guess I'll give her credit for doing all that with a straight face...
She NEVER answers the question.
She ALWAYS has some amazing verbal spiel that has little to do with the subject matter.
I guess I'll give her credit for doing all that with a straight face...
PRE-LINK TEXT David Forsmark posted this recently at NewsRealBlog.com:
"After all, this is the Houston congresswoman who, while on a visit to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, famously asked if the Mars rover could send back pictures of the flag planted by Neil Armstrong.
Houston, you have a problem.
Jackson-Lee also once brightened our moods in the wake of disaster, by complaining that hurricanes are only given 'lilly-white names,' and suggested that in the future the weather service should 'try to be inclusive of African American names such as Keisha, Jamal and Deshawn.'
Jackson-Lee is once again front and center thanks this this video of her talking on a cell while a constituent who is a cancer survivor asks a question.
So, when Lee appeared with CNN Newsroom’s afternoon anchor Rick Sanchez– master of the inappropriate comment, the emotional outburst and king of the non-sequitur– hilarity, as they used to say in old movie reviews, was bound to ensue."