Saturday, August 29, 2009
"Palin Flummoxes the Elites with Common Sense"
Common Sense!
Now there's an item Americans could use a good dose of.
Numbers one and two could be you can't spend more than you earn and you can't borrow more than you can pay back...
Now there's an item Americans could use a good dose of.
Numbers one and two could be you can't spend more than you earn and you can't borrow more than you can pay back...
I found this in a posting by Scott Ott at
"Sarah Palin — invariably portrayed by reporters and politicians as a either a vacuous celebrity or an ill-informed hooftie — has apparently thought through the issues more than most of them. She makes plain sense, while her opponents push an agenda of greater centralized government control. The world has seen the results of such experiments within the past century. They lead inevitably to dependence, despair, despotism, and disaster."