Monday, August 31, 2009
Global Warming - "Bury the messenger"
The idea that global warming is human caused has lost it's credibility.
Nonetheless, the proponents of that insanity are trying everything they can...
Nonetheless, the proponents of that insanity are trying everything they can...
A recent Washington Times editorial points out more censoring of those who dissent:
"That examination shows, Mr. Carlin said, that 'available observable data... invalidate the hypothesis' that humans cause serious global warming.
With the administration so heavily invested in a regulatory scheme to combat supposed warming, this message was far from welcome. Hence the effort to bury the report, an effort that was thwarted when Mr. Carlin posted the report on a personal Web site.
The administration struck back. Mr. Carlin works for the EPA's National Center for Environmental Economics. On Friday, Inside Washington Publishers reported that 'Obama EPA officials are said to be considering scrapping" the center's role in scientific analysis. Never mind the reality that doing so would undermine the entire reason for its existence, namely (citing the article) "researching environmental health issues to improve risk assessment data used in economic analyses for [new regulatory] rules.'"