Sunday, July 19, 2009
"Why I don’t mourn Walter Cronkite"
I believe that this article is a valid interpretation of the beginning of the media bias that we now experience daily...
This is just part of a post at
"From the same article we are reminded that Cronkite had a team. And who was on that team? Eric Severeid, Daniel Schorr, Dan Rather, Roger Mudd, Mike Wallace. See anyone there who you would recognize as a Conservative voice? Neither do I. Today Daniel Schorr delivers diatribes against the Right from his sinecure at NPR and Dan Rather maintains that it was those damn Right Wingers who smeared him by exposing his phony Bush papers story.
Cronkite, it was said, 'did not editorialize often.' Well, let’s put it this way, he did not come out and say 'this is my opinion.' But his way of editorializing is the same craft that the media used in his time and ever since: selective use of facts, the omission of this story, the emphasis on that story, all used to weave a version of reality that people believed about the world around them beyond the reach of their five senses."