Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The Media - "The Duke Rape Case You Won’t Hear About"
This sure sounds ugly enough to get national attention...
At PinkElephantPundit.com, Tabitha Hale thinks she knows why it doesn't:
"These stories nauseate me. We all have a gut reaction to stories about children being hurt. He is being appropriately charged. People do horrible things. It’s nothing new… so why am I reporting this? Because I’m sick of political correctness and agendas tainting the news. First of all, there is virtually no coverage of this beyond the AP article that was released Friday. The AP article conveniently omits the fact that the little boy was black, and the fact that the father was gay. Which means that, since ABC, Fox, et al only reported the AP release, no MSM reported these facts. CNN hasn’t bothered putting the story on their website at all. Why?"