Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Meanwhile - in the U.K. - tax & spend fails
In the U.K., the Labour Party is the equivalent of our Democrats.
Gordon Brown, the Prime Minister, heads the Labour Party.
The U.K. is farther along the "tax and spend" idea that the U.S. is.
It has failed badly in the U.K. and political change is all but a certainty.
For U.S. citizens, there is a lesson in what's happened in the U.K...
Gordon Brown, the Prime Minister, heads the Labour Party.
The U.K. is farther along the "tax and spend" idea that the U.S. is.
It has failed badly in the U.K. and political change is all but a certainty.
For U.S. citizens, there is a lesson in what's happened in the U.K...
In the U.K. Telegraph, Simon Heffer predicts the future:
"Even though there is an unanswerable case that our country is being brought to its knees by over-borrowing, even though it is far from clear that the massive borrowing already engaged in has done anything but keep the public sector and the rest of the clientele shielded from the realities of the Brown economic miracle that the rest of us are having to suffer, that is how Labour proposes to continue.
The only reason this persists is, I suspect, that Mr Brown knows very well not just that his party has lost the next election but that the defeat will signal the overdue end of his public life. It hardly matters, in that case, that he continues to order the borrowing of absurd sums, and that their waste on pointless public sector schemes delivers no great public benefit. He has manifestly admitted to himself that not only will he not be around in office to have to clear up the mess after the next election, but neither will any of his unlovely circle of trusties, toadies and admirers.
One does not need a degree in political science to see the benefits to the Labour tribe of this strategy. The Tories will – I trust – see that they have no option, if elected, but to cut public spending and raise taxes not merely on the 'rich' but on everybody. There will be howls of complaint from the clientele. Labour will say, entirely dishonestly, that it would never have happened had they been returned to power, and that this is what comes of electing wicked, heartless Tory toffs to run the country. The script can be written now, and it is entirely contemptible."