Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The Media - commentary by Victor David Hanson
I couldn't agree more with these beginning paragraphs.
In fact, as the article goes on, I find I agree with almost everything.
Our media is clearly NOT doing their job.
The Kool-Aid must be in almost every news office water cooler, if not piped directly into their food somehow...
In fact, as the article goes on, I find I agree with almost everything.
Our media is clearly NOT doing their job.
The Kool-Aid must be in almost every news office water cooler, if not piped directly into their food somehow...
At, Victor Davis Hanson begins with this:
"I am afraid I no longer believe . . .
…That we have an inquisitive American media as we once knew it. There has emerged something as bad as state-sanctioned coercion—which we could at least identify, and thus struggle against.
Now comes a more insidious, brave new self-imposed censorship of the Orwellian mode. It is not just the perennial embarrassment Chris Matthews describing his Obama ecstasy on camera, or even Newsweek’s Evan Thomas comparing his President to God, or even CNN execs being exposed trashing the US abroad at Davos, or whitewashing Saddam, but rather a more incremental new groupspeak in which basic words and ideas—from terrorism to war itself—have been reformulated according to political dictates."