Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The Media - All the news? - apparently not!
Obviously, it's not nice to tell the truth about our capital city.
It's certainly NOT politically correct.
Doesn't our media want Americans to know this truth?...
It's certainly NOT politically correct.
Doesn't our media want Americans to know this truth?...
Ron Smith offers this as part of "The Column the Baltimore Sun Would Not Publish":
"And that brings us to this startling observation from Mr. Weatherford after spending some time doing field research in Washington, D.C.: 'Nowhere in the world had I witnessed as much savagery, brutality, crime and cruelty as I did on the streets of the capital city of the United States.' He worked at a bookstore. The clerk who worked at it before him was shot in the head and killed. The clerk who replaced him was beaten with a metal pipe and left for dead. 'On the streets of Washington,' he writes, 'I saw forms of social organization and culture that I had never seen among any tribal people. Everywhere in the world, tribal life centers on the family and family units, but in the center cities of America, the family has broken down.' The welfare state put the finishing touches on the destruction of the family."