Friday, June 19, 2009
Global Warming - What catastrophe?
Good question?
This article includes the following two "expert" opinions...
This article includes the following two "expert" opinions...
Jacob Parrish has them at
"Dr. Ken Lieberthal, a panelist from the Brookings Institute, formed the most complete response. He said the public should be made aware of the damage already being done by negative climate change, such as increasing storms, fires in California, and receding forestation: 'This is about more than just polar bears in the Arctic.'
Ben Lieberman, a senior policy analyst in energy and environment for The Heritage Foundation, later said that was not true: 'There are no tangible problems from climate change.' He added that real problems arise from incorrectly linking natural events to the very slight increase in average global temperature—problems such as additional cost to taxpayers from unnecessary climate change reform."