Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Global Warming - Politicians using outdated info?
Yes. Politicians are clearly dealing with old news.
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to matter.
They're not even seeing the polls...
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to matter.
They're not even seeing the polls...
At Paul Driessen wants to remind them:
"But average global temperatures peaked in 1998 and since have fallen slightly, even as carbon dioxide levels continue to climb. Antarctic ice shelves show no signs of climate change, a six-year study has determined, while Arctic ice is seasonably normal. Hurricane activity is at a 30-year low.
Thousands of scientists say CO2 has little effect on planetary temperatures, and there is no climate crisis. Few developed countries are ready to commit economic suicide by agreeing to reduce their CO2 emissions by even one-tenth of what Waxman-Markey demands for the United States. Most Americans put global warming dead last in a Pew Research list of 20 concerns."