Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Barack Obama - and his "Fairytale World?"
Geez. Even his family knows...
Judi McLeod reports in the Canadian Free Press:
"They say the more often a lie gets told the sooner it becomes the truth, but this is how the Barack Hussein Obama big lie went down at Buchenwald in time for D-Day commemoration ceremonies: 'I’ve known about this place since I was a boy hearing stories, uhh, about my great uncle, who was a very young man, uh, serving in World 11.' (Rush Limbaugh, June 5, 2009). 'He was part of the 89th Infantry Division, the first Americans to reach a concentration camp, eh, they liberated Ohrdruf, one of Buchenwald’s subcamps. And I’ve told this story, he returned from service in a state of shock, uh, saying little and isolating himself for months on end from family and friends, uh, along with the painful memories that would not leave his head.'
"His uncle has told the UK Telegraph and Der Spiegel, `I don’t know how he knows this, I’ve never talked to him about it.’"