Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Vote 'no' on all six state propositions
That's what the Orange County Register recommends:
"The spendthrift governor and Legislature over-taxed and over-spent California state government into its current predicament. They put government employees first and taxpayers second. They routinely overestimated future revenue while consistently mismanaging the cash on hand. Their fiscal appetites regularly were greater than what they could afford, and they put off solving their financial problems by borrowing more and more, and shifting money around to pay for things taxpayers didn't intend that money to be spent on.
This should tell voters everything they need to know about Propositions 1A-1F on Tuesday's special election ballot. The same people who created this mess with their disingenuous, irresponsible taxing and spending now claim to have concocted a remedy – if voters will just say 'Yes' to the propositions to authorize more taxing and spending.
We urge voters to say 'No' Tuesday to all six propositions."