Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The Media - Boycotting The New York Times?
Well, I'm pretty much doing that already and, based on their current financial problems, I'm clearly not alone.
The bigger picture here is the pervasive biased influence they have...
The bigger picture here is the pervasive biased influence they have...
Jamie Glazov recently interviewed Don Feder for FrontPageMagazine.com. Here's just a bit of it:
"Feder: The New York Times is arguably the most biased media outlet in the country. It’s also the most prestigious. The Times sets the tone for the rest of the mainstream media. It’s read every day by editors and publishers of papers (large and small), network news departments, radio stations and news magazines.
Not only does it tell them what to cover, but also how to cover it. Referring to a Times story as “above the page-one fold” (on the top half of front page) means: “This is important. Pay attention.” The reverse is also true. If something isn’t reported in The New York Times, many in the media don’t consider it newsworthy.
Thus, the damage The New York Times does, by purveying bias throughout the mainstream media, goes far beyond it subscription base."