Sunday, March 29, 2009
"Having ACORN help with the census"
The last line seems to say it all (transparently)...
On the U.K. Telegraph blogsite, Stephanie Gutmann writes:
"My big question is why the bureau needs help recruiting workers anyway. I've been a census worker. It's a very pleasant job. The hours are flexible; pay is relatively high; the weeks of training -- in which one basically lolls around in a classroom pretending to listen to lectures about, say, making eye contact -- are 'on the clock.' The census never seems to have had any trouble advertising vacancies, and a bureau spokesman recently told Fox News that the 'bureau [has already] received an overwhelming number of qualified applicants -- more than 1 million -- for the 140,000 census taker jobs needed to complete the first phase of the effort.'
My second question is why this group with clear political motives (verging on 'undisguised authoritarian socialism' as Sol Stern put it) and such a controversial style has been let anywhere near the US Census. The obsessive subject around the census is the problem of getting 'an accurate count.' The temptation to skew the numbers in one way or another are enormous and the methods used notoriously imprecise and vulnerable to fraud.
Hmmm...could President Obama be rewarding a former employer -- and a friend who helped him get elected?"