Monday, March 30, 2009
AIG Bonuses Renew Call for Congress to Read Bills - CBS News
I hope this gets publicized to every corner of the country.
It should be a referendum voted on by the taxpayers in the next election...
It should be a referendum voted on by the taxpayers in the next election...
At, Declan McCullagh reorts:
"The Read the Bills Act is as simple to describe as it will be difficult for Babka and his allies to enact. A draft they've prepared says that each bill must be read aloud before a quorum in the Senate and House of Representatives; that each legislator voting 'aye' must file an affidavit saying they're familiar with the contents; and that laws that don't meet these requirements can be challenged in court.
The only hitch is that no members of the House or Senate have been willing to sponsor this legislation, which would, after all, curb their own power and result in additional duties."