Monday, January 12, 2009
Politicians - Former Ohio Attorney General Marc Dann
An Attorney General, no less.
What is it with these people?...
What is it with these people?...
In the Columbus Dispatch, Darrel Rowland reports:
"Former Ohio Attorney General Marc Dann falsified his campaign finance records to disguise tens of thousands of dollars spent to benefit himself, his wife, children and top campaign staffers, a complaint filed today says.
Statements of receipts and expenditures that Dann's campaign filed with the secretary of state 'contain incomplete, inaccurate and false information concerning expenditures from the fund for travel, food, beverages, cell phones and other expenditures,' Inspector General Thomas P. Charles said in a sworn statement filed with the complaint before the Ohio Elections Commission.
Meanwhile, Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner's office filed a separate complaint saying that Dann improperly spent more than $40,000 in campaign cash to install a security system and upgrade his Youngstown-area residence. "