Monday, December 08, 2008
There’s No Such Thing as ‘Government Money’
I couldn't agree more.
Those that serve us so poorly have become very adept at using words and phrases that deceive us.
And, for those that look no further, that becomes the truth...
Those that serve us so poorly have become very adept at using words and phrases that deceive us.
And, for those that look no further, that becomes the truth...
At, Kyle-Anne Shiver makes several points. She begins:
"What happens to a society whose public discourse has become such an utter perversion of truth that the people can no longer even grasp solid reality?
If Confucius was correct, then, dear readers, we must conclude that our America is in for some very, very, very, very tough times ahead.
For in present-day America, the language we use to describe our realities has come so far afield anything even remotely resembling objective truth that we are little more than walking, talking idiots. It has become nearly impossible to distinguish a truthful statement from an outright lie."