Saturday, December 27, 2008
Mortars fired into Israel
This is hard to imagine.
Americans don't even hear about it, unless the Israelis respond and are accused of killing civilians...
Americans don't even hear about it, unless the Israelis respond and are accused of killing civilians...
Yaakov Katz and Herb Keinon report in the Jerusalem Post:
"The IDF received the green light Wednesday for a series of operations against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, after more than 60 mortar shells and Katyusha and Kassam rockets pounded the Negev.
Gaza terrorists fire over 60 rockets and mortar shells into southern Israel
The barrage hit communities throughout the South, reaching as far north as Ashkelon and as far south as Kerem Shalom. At least two Grad-model Katyusha rockets were fired into Ashkelon on Wednesday, and a Kassam with extended range hit Netivot."