Sunday, December 07, 2008
Chambliss Victory Refutes Public Break With Conservatism -- Christopher G. Adamo -- GOPUSA
This article is obviously aimed at Republicans.
It is a call for a return to conservatism, using the recent Senatorial race in Georgia as a focal point...
It is a call for a return to conservatism, using the recent Senatorial race in Georgia as a focal point...
At, Christopher G. Adamo makes this point and more:
"These unfolding events are confusing and inconsistent, at least to those who accept the opinions of the "mainstream" Democrat and Republican punditry. According to the "conventional wisdom" of Washington insiders from both parties, John McCain would have done better to ditch Sarah Palin whom they believed to be a drag on his ticket. But in a seemingly contradictory fashion, Chambliss involved Palin heavily, while McCain was only nominally visible. As a result, Chambliss won his race, and with a far wider margin than McCain accrued on Election Day."