Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Politicians - Dodd Interview Censored
Go ahead. Try to convince yourself that this was NOT deliberatley censored for a political reason...
In the New Haven Independent, Paul Bass reports:
"Watching the TV news monitors in the WELI newsroom, Tom Scott (pictured), a former state senator and Congressional and gubernatorial candidate, had grown frustrated that reporters seemed to be going easy on Dodd. So he savored the chance to push Dodd on why, for instance, he won’t release the documents connected to his personal Countrywide loans.
The result was riveting radio. But WELI’s listeners never got to hear it.
Click HERE to hear the interview that never aired.
Asked why the interview never ran, Todd Thomas, Clear Channel’s regional operations manager, said, 'That’s something that happened behind closed doors.' He declined to comment further."