Friday, November 14, 2008
A Monument to Education?
When I read stories like this, (yes, I know it's old news) I have to wonder that there must be more to the story than just politics.
Then when I read about purposefully "getting around Congress", I realize that it very likely IS all about politics...
Then when I read about purposefully "getting around Congress", I realize that it very likely IS all about politics...
This was written by Mary Mostert back in 1996. This and more is posted at
"Clinton will use the 1906 'Antiquities Act' in an attempt to prevent development of and estimated 52 billion tons from the largest deposit of high quality coal reserves in North America. 'To make that coal off-limits by presidential decree is unconscionable,' Utah Senators Orrin Hatch and Bob Bennett told Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt during a meeting on Saturday. The meeting was also attended by staff members of the Utah congressional Representatives, the governor's office and the White House.
Senator Hatch said after the meeting, 'We would be highly offended if they did this without a lot more consideration and working with the delegation and the governor. They could interfere with the rights of every school child in Utah for decades to come and the state's right to revenue. It's much more complex than a political decision to be made in a presidential election year.'"