Tuesday, October 21, 2008
A Flip-Flopping President Could Cost Us Abroad - WSJ.com
"Fudging". Oh yeah. That works!
The trouble is that it is likely to work and influence an election...
The trouble is that it is likely to work and influence an election...
Danielle Pletka points out troubles that "fudging" is likely to cause on the world stage:
"At home, a leader who regularly misleads the public eventually earns the ire of voters and demands for accountability. Abroad, he fosters misunderstanding of American intentions and resolve, inviting adversaries to test the limits of U.S. power.
The desire to be all things to all people is common among politicians of every ideological stripe. Yet the public record, an eagle-eyed media, and a commitment to a particular set of ideas and policies keep most politicians on the straight and narrow. But there are other public figures who, having gotten away with what Mr. Clinton himself called "fudging," find the habit hard to kick. Mr. Obama fits into this group."