Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Burt Prelutsky : More Unsolved Mysteries
Here's one of mine: Why is it that so many of us have forgotten many of the things we learned, about people and about life, back in the schoolyard?...
At, BurtPrelutsky writes this one; and, he has quite a few more serious ones:
"All that being said, why the heck do millions of Americans carry on the way they do? Why is it, to take an obvious example, that only Republicans make fun of Chris Matthews when he announces that Obama sends a tingle up his leg? That’s far more embarrassing than anything Sarah Palin has said. Plus, the man has a lisp, so he’s made to order to be ridiculed on Saturday Night Live, as are Bill Maher, Keith Olbermann, Al Franken, Rosie O’Donnell and Joe (Hair Plugs) Biden."