Thursday, August 07, 2008
Barack Obama - and his Red Mentor
I don't know how any American could be comfortable with this guy.
He just has too many past (maybe still current) "friends" that have un-American track records...
He just has too many past (maybe still current) "friends" that have un-American track records...
At, Cliff Kincaid calls atention to it:
"The influential Associated Press (AP) wire service has belatedly run a story about Barack Obama’s Marxist mentor without mentioning the smoking-gun evidence that the mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was a Communist Party member. The dishonest story, which represents damage control for the Obama campaign, was written by AP writer Sudhin Thanawala.
AP is one of the largest news agencies and serves thousands of print and electronic media outlets.
Under the innocuous headline, 'Writer offered a young Barack Obama advice on life,' the story calls Davis, a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) when it faithfully echoed the Stalinist line, merely a 'left-leaning black journalist and poet' known for 'leftist politics' and someone who might be accused by some of having 'allegedly anti-American views.'
Davis was not a 'journalist' in any real sense of the term. He was a propagandist and racial agitator for the CPUSA. He was also a recruiter for the communist cause."