Saturday, June 21, 2008
The Torture Gambit -
The Torture Gambit -
The point made here seems valid...
The point made here seems valid...
The Wall Street Journal editorializes about the Democrats and interrogation techniques:
"Instead, in an election year and with political hindsight, anti-antiterror Democrats want to criminalize these policies. Their goal is to so tar anyone associated with those policies that no American official would dare to do anything similar ever again. In addition to smearing these loyal public servants, Democrats want to change U.S. interrogation policy without having to take responsibility for passing a law to do it.
When the threat seemed imminent after 9/11, Democrats were only too happy to keep quiet and let the Bush Administration and CIA do whatever it took to prevent another attack. But in the seemingly safer present, they want to subject every one of those decisions to the political retribution of If this is how Democrats intend to govern if they run the entire government next year, we are in for a very rough ride."