Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The Energy Crises - Some seem to want it to last
I don't always agree with this Senator, but I think she has it right on this issue.
Secondly, how about we fix the problem first, and then argue about whether it was right or wrong later?...
Secondly, how about we fix the problem first, and then argue about whether it was right or wrong later?...
At, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison writes:
"President Reagan liked to say, 'There are no easy answers, but there are simple ones.' This principle applies to America's energy woes. Since the Democrats took control of Congress in January 2007, the price of a gallon of gas has soared from $2.33 per gallon to over $4. Furthermore, over the next two decades, global demand for oil is expected to rise by 50%, meaning that further price escalation is almost inevitable. When confronted by these facts, the energy solution - as President Reagan would say - is simple. We need more energy! We should be increasing our production of oil, natural gas, clean coal, and nuclear power – and those resources should come from America, instead of foreign dictatorships. Unfortunately, enacting this agenda won't be easy. The Democratic Leadership in Congress is determined to 'punish' energy companies with new taxes, even if the greatest victim of those taxes is the American consumer."