Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Wrong track? - It could easily get worse
Polling has become an integral part of our society and decision-making.
Unfortunately, "headline only readers", "sound-bite only listeners", and "sheep" often don't think beyond what the media chooses to present...
Unfortunately, "headline only readers", "sound-bite only listeners", and "sheep" often don't think beyond what the media chooses to present...
At, Dennis Prager elaborates on this thought:
"I count myself as one of the 81 percent who believes America is headed in the wrong direction, and that is precisely why I am voting Republican. Moreover, I suspect I am not alone among the 81 percent in ascribing the wrong track to the leftist, not the conservative, influence on American life.
But if "headed in the wrong direction" really does mean for most Americans that voting Democrat will put our country on the right track, it is hard not to conclude that America has begun the decline that has ended all great civilizations. For if the Democratic Party -- given how far left it has become -- comes to control Congress and the presidency, America's values will soon stray so far from what they have been since its founding that it is difficult to imagine ever being able to undo the change."