Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Politicans - Congressman Paul Kanjorski
This pretty much confirms the "say anything" to get elected theory.
Why are we so stupid when it comes to politicians?...
Why are we so stupid when it comes to politicians?...
Jeff Emanuel has the congressman quoted on his blog:
"'I'll tell you my impression. We really in this last election, when I say we...the Democrats, I think pushed it as far as we can to the end of the fleet, didn't say it, but we implied it. That if we won the Congressional elections, we could stop the war. Now anybody was a good student of Government would know that wasn't true. But you know, the temptation to want to win back the Congress, we sort of stretched the facts...and people ate it up.'"
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I have had enough of politicians like Kanjorski. We need change in Washington. 20+ years and this is what people get from their Congressman? I support Lou Barletta. Enough is enough. His website is If you are tired of clowns like Kanjorski, give Lou a hand!
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