Thursday, May 15, 2008
Meanwhile - in Minnesota
This politician is over-the-top.
I will be surprised if the reporter's peers ever write any nice about Rep. Greiling in the future...
I will be surprised if the reporter's peers ever write any nice about Rep. Greiling in the future...
Scott Johnson posted this on the PowerLine Blog:
"JOHN (John Hinderaker) adds: There is a major 1st Amendment issue here. Greiling, a public official, has demanded that the Star Tribune fire Kersten for writing two columns with which Greiling disagrees. Can one imagine the furor if a member of the Bush administration demanded that a columnist be fired for writing something--about the Iraq war, say--of which the administration official disapproves? Or to take an example closer to home, what would have been the reaction (from the Star Tribune and elsewhere) if Governor Tim Pawlenty had demanded that Strib columnist Nick Coleman be fired for absurdly claiming that it was Pawlenty's fault the 35W bridge collapsed? In either instance, the howls of outrage cannot be imagined. Yet Greiling's call for Kersten's firing has been met with an odd silence from all liberal precincts, including the paper itself."