Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Meanwhile - in a Gaza schoolyard
The scenario is played over and over again.
Terrorists initiate attacks from within areas populated by civilians, especially children.
Then, when those who were attacked retaliate, there are always civilians and children as casualties.
If not, said casualties are often "manufactured".
Enter the media.
They invariably criticize those who retaliated, perhaps rightfully so; however, the root cause is what you already know...
Terrorists initiate attacks from within areas populated by civilians, especially children.
Then, when those who were attacked retaliate, there are always civilians and children as casualties.
If not, said casualties are often "manufactured".
Enter the media.
They invariably criticize those who retaliated, perhaps rightfully so; however, the root cause is what you already know...
Hana Levi Julian reports in the Israeli National News:
"(IsraelNN.com) IDF soldiers uncovered missiles and anti-tank rocket launchers in a Gaza schoolyard in late Thursday. The anti-tank missile launcher and a stack of missiles were found at a school in Sajaiya, in northern Gaza, during routine counter-terrorism operations."