Saturday, May 24, 2008
Hillary Clinton - "sissy"
She doesn't even come close to these woman...
In the Wall Street Journal, Peggy Noonan discusses some previous female world leaders and Hillary Clinton:
"Hillary Clinton complained again this week that sexism has been a major dynamic in her unsuccessful bid for political dominance. She is quoted by the Washington Post's Lois Romano decrying the 'sexist' treatment she received during the campaign, and the "incredible vitriol that has been engendered" by those who are 'nothing but misogynists.' The New York Times reported she told sympathetic bloggers in a conference call that she is saddened by the 'mean-spiritedness and terrible insults' that have been thrown "at you, for supporting me, and at women in general."
Where to begin? One wants to be sympathetic to Mrs. Clinton at this point, if for no other reason than to show one's range. But her last weeks have been, and her next weeks will likely be, one long exercise in summoning further denunciations. It is something new in politics, the How Else Can I Offend You Tour. And I suppose it is aimed not at voters -- you don't persuade anyone by complaining in this way, you only reinforce what your supporters already think -- but at history, at the way history will tell the story of the reasons for her loss."