Monday, May 19, 2008
Government at Work - A tortoise tale
Government has shown a remarkable ability to mess up human lives.
Now, they're "helping" the desert tortoises...
Now, they're "helping" the desert tortoises...
You can read about it at
""They said the (desert) tortoise was threatened, so they had to fence off these huge areas and shut out all the cattle, which means no one is out there shooting the coyotes and the raven or trapping the lions anymore, so of course that wrecked the hunting," Mr. Pappas recalled, back in 2001. 'They said anyone who found a tortoise had to turn it in" to Clark County authorities.'
'So what happened? They got so overrun with tortoises being turned in that they told us they were going to have to start euthanizing them. I said, 'Hold on a minute, here. Euthanize them? Why don't you just drop them out in the desert?' They said, 'Oh no, they'll fight with the native tortoises that already live out there and they'll kill each other, because all these lands are already at saturation levels.' I said, 'Wait a minute, now: Which is it? How can they be 'threatened,' or 'endangered' ... but now you tell us all these lands are at 'saturation levels' for tortoises?'"