Wednesday, May 21, 2008
"The Dumbest Generation"
I don't think I'm going to worry about this.
I figure we only hear about the "dummies" because bad news sells. I bet there are far more quietly successful young people around that we'll never hear about...
I figure we only hear about the "dummies" because bad news sells. I bet there are far more quietly successful young people around that we'll never hear about...
The Wall Street Journal's David Robinson discusses a book:
"To Mark Bauerlein, a professor of English at Emory University, the present is a good time to be young only if you don't mind a tendency toward empty-headedness. In 'The Dumbest Generation,' he argues that cultural and technological forces, far from opening up an exciting new world of learning and thinking, have conspired to create a level of public ignorance so high as to threaten our democracy."