Sunday, April 13, 2008
Stop the Monologues
Free speech without discretion really creates controversy...
I found this article by Peter LaBarbera at
" is astonishing that Ensler and her vulgar play are being celebrated given TVM's past and current promotion of adult predatory behavior against minors: 'Imagine if an adult homosexual man were to quiz a six-year-old boy about his penis -- or a straight man were to ask a little girl silly questions about her private parts – for use in play! Would such men be praised by the media and famous personalities?'
Stop the Monologues Project Director Donna Miller, the mother of a teenage girl, said, 'I find it horrifying that an author would sexualize a six-year-old girl –– particularly when that same author has a record of writing favorably about adult/child sex, at least for lesbians.'
Miller noted the hypocrisy of a movement whose stated goal is to 'stop the violence against women and girls,' while it celebrates a lesbian rape-seduction, underage drinking, and a lesbian adult asking highly inappropriate sexual questions to six-year-old."