Sunday, April 13, 2008
Barack Obama - Andy Martin says:
What in the world is this all about?...
At, Andy Martin writes:
"'Fundamentally, Barack is the first Anti-American candidate for president of the United States. He has been running down America in secret séances with wealthy liberals. Now we know why Obama and is wife hold closed-to-the-media fund raising sessions with wealthy contributors. They want secrecy so they can spew out their message of hate and contempt for the American people. They want secrecy so they can run a public campaign of piety and concern for American values, and a private campaign of elitism and condescension and contempt for the United States. The Secret Campaign has now been exposed for what it is by the ‘San Francisco Tape.’ The Secret Campaign must end. Obama must open fund raisers to full media scrutiny. Senator Clinton must do the same.
'Lynn Sweet of the Chicago Sun-Times was the first, I think, to make an issue of Obama’s ‘secret’ campaign schedule and Michele’s closed campaign appointments. Sweet also pursued Obama’s secrecy to southern California mansions where Obama delivered his ‘real’ message to wealthy, anti-American liberals in Hollywood. Now Obama is spreading his virus to northern California.
'I demand that Barry and Michele end their ‘Secret Campaign,’ and stop holding clandestine meetings with wealthy contributors, where this pair stomps on Americans and ridicules our values. We now know from the San Francisco Tape that Obama uses these secret meetings with elite contributors to give liberal extremists the ‘Real Obama,’ and to deliver his real message of ‘hate and contempt for Amerika.’"